Price Packages

Prices may change depending on the scope. All packages are estimates of pricing per website complexity and a quote will be sent after receiving more details about your new website. 


Starting from $300

The budget package includes a 1-3 page website with simple content such as text, images, a contact page, and other simple components which will be discussed in the initial meeting


Starting from $350

The standard package includes a 1-6 page website with simple content such as text, images, a contact page, and other simple components which will be discussed in the initial meeting


Starting from $450

The Deluxe package includes a 1-6+ page website including text, images, a contact form, and more complex components such as a store, product catalog, and more as discussed in the initial meeting.

To  discuss your new website with me and get a quote, contact me through email, Social media or the contact page.